The Importance of Yard Sports in Friendship
/If you aren't already friends with Adrian and Sharon, you should try to be. They're lovely people. Or perhaps consider petitioning them to adopt you. Because why just be their mates when you can be their dependents? I'm not eligible, since I already have a dependent myself - who, by the way, missed the memo today that IT'S NOT ALWAYS ABOUT HER - and so I'm just grateful for their friendship. Sharon is one of John's schoolmates from social work school, otherwise known as The Institution Where Do-Gooding is Degree-Granting, and she is a real hoot. It is clear to me why she is a social worker, because her heart is the size of a moonbounce. Adrian is her husband and he is very kind and this is important when he is granting you the seventeenth mulligan in croquet. They had us over for lunch today, and their hospitality was unmatched. It occurs to me that good friends call you over for lunch, but great friends say, Here, Here is my countertop, please, go change your small little suck monkey's stinky rump on top of it. Need help?
We hope we see Sharon and Adrian again, soon. In the meantime, we will enjoy these pictures of them, one of which features Sharon and I have not yet received clearance from her lawyer to post it, so please understand if this picture is later removed. I think it's adorable to boot.
Ladies Who Lunch
If you're good, I'll share with you the recipe for that delicious cheese appetizer.
Sharon: "Adrian, you look like the baby."