About Kendra
I am still drying out from the mildewy Midwestern basement in which I spent my girlhood, sulking and watching reruns of “Golden Girls” and coordinating dance routines to Taylor Dayne bangers. This was the fertile ground from which my creativity grew.
I earned my M.L.A. in journalism from Harvard University. I grew a whole human while in grad school and claim great victory in having earned my stripes as a Pregnant Navy Seal (self-awarded). Prior to this, I attended Allegheny College where I graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in a subject that no one remembers.
When the writing magic is within me, sometimes my work shows up in The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Slate, McSweeney's, and more. I gravitate toward human interest and memoir writing.
I live in Boston and share custody of my two rad kids with their dad. I also have a rescue dog who is 100% neurotic.
10 for Nothing:
1. When I was in the second grade, I drew a picture of my dream adult life in which I was a single, jet-setting woman. I was also very tall with long hair as I toted my suitcase. That was my first work of prophetic fiction.
2. My third grade teacher, Mrs. Diehl, was the greatest champion of my writing; I think teaching third grade is one of the highest vocations.
3. My AIM screenname was DQDiva917 and let’s never talk about it.
4. Celebrity crush: Ira Glass (that nerdy voice!)
5. First CD I ever bought: Counting Crows "August and Everything After."
6. I brake for stationery shops.
7. The Friendly's Reese's Cup Sundae is still as good as I remember.
8. I am a dental freak show.
9. I have lived in: Cleveland, Ohio; Meadville, PA; Washington D.C.; Chattanooga, TN, and Boston, MA.
10. I was a faithful diarist all through high school, which is one of the best gifts an adolescent person can give to one's adult self.
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