“My first thought on viewing the resume was, WOW, that is sharp & beautiful! Second thought was WHOA, do I have the confidence to present myself this way? I’ve spent so many years trying to squish the resume and play it down...Now it feels like the resume finally tells my story. Then I let it steep all week in my mind. Now I’m ready to own it. Feels great!
Thank you ever so much.”
Copywriting Rates
Resumes/curriculum vitae
Revision – Thorough review of existent resume/CV, offering critiques in MS Word, Photoshop, inDesign per preference of client
Creation - Taking client from draft to complete, polished resume document. May include phone call/Skype session as well as several re-drafts.
$75 per first full page, $50 for each additional page
$200 per full page
Cover letters
Revision – Thorough review of cover letter draft, offering critiques in MS Word, Photoshop, inDesign per preference of client
Creation - Taking client from draft to complete, polished document. May include phone call/Skype session as well as several re-drafts.
$75 per first full page, $50 for each additional page
$200 per full page
Other Content
From your best man speech to your book manuscript, Kendra is happy to discuss your needs as well as rates and turnaround time.
Prices vary. Kendra will usually quote clients a flat rate for a project if its scope has already been determined.