Project Stocking

I'd like to invite you to participate in a fun project to support the women residents of the Elizabeth Stone House this holiday season! The House provides residential and off-site programs for survivors of domestic violence. I have supported this organization in the past and have a very dear friend who has worked for the agency for 10 years. I really believe in its mission and am motivated to do the following:

I am aiming to donate 30 stockings for the women residents of the House. The stockings will be filled with candy, a Mary Kay peppermint cream body set, and a "starry" lip gloss.

If you would like to sponsor a stocking, you could do so as a gift that is tax-deductible for both yourself or your business. The stockings can contain whatever message you like. The cost of the stockings are $20.* I can accept check, cash, or credit card. I will send you a receipt for your tax records and will deliver the stockings to the House on Dec. 17.

Here is what the stockings look like:


*Please note that I have deeply discounted the product and am not trying to turn some big Mary Kay profit off of this. I am donating a portion of the stockings but just wanted to allow others the opportunity to participate in something that was sort of "ready-made".

Please e-mail me (kendratheadverb at gmail dot com) or leave a comment if you would like to participate or have any questions!!

Thanks so much and have a blessed holiday season!