Treasures of Wisdom

I ran across this verse the other day, and I've been noodling it around ever since. In Him "are hid all the treasures of wisdom." ~ Colossians 2:3

At first I was impressed, just thinking what a treasure wisdom truly is. With each life experience, we can treasure the wisdom gained, and apply it to future experiences. And further, we can share this treasure. It isn't ours to hole up in some storehouse. We can share it, both in word and deed.

I used to think that the ultimate goal in life was to collect as many amazing experiences as I could. Whoever got to do the most numerous cool things WINS. I was so full of envy as a child, convinced my life was boring, restrained, and that every other kid was more privileged and indulged.

I eventually realized that I was more than privileged, and that boring translated to "safe" and restrained really meant that I was very much loved.

But I still thought well into my twenties that I should be collecting experiences, that I should be taking trips like they were charms to add to a bracelet. I should be pursuing great and important things that will build my resume, my portfolio, a name for myself. I should be networking and coopting and spending and flirting with my destiny.


Yeah. But coming to Christ for me has meant in so so many ways the loss of self and the greater love for Him, all that I am able to accomplish in His name, for His sake, for His greater glory.

I need wisdom to do all that. And I've been grateful over the past couple of years to actually desire, to have that deep craving for wisdom. I need it to get through a day with a toddler that would prefer to be rolled around a shopping mall in a wheely-suitcase.

Going back to the verse in Colossians, though, I realized that in God, all the wisdom can be gained.  That all those fabulous experiences?  Cannot guarantee to make one wise.  This excites me, it really does.  Knowing that He truly is the wellspring of all knowledge and goodness is a comfort to me and quiets my hearts desires to Do Really Cool Stuff, knowing that one day, all that this world can offer will but be a shadow of His glory!