/I was watching Anthony Bourdain "No Reservations: Liberia" last night. I kept rewinding because the history lesson on this quasi-neo-America was totally blowing my skull, and also because Baby Girl kept reenacting when Sister Bear goes to the dentist and DR. BEARSON SHOWS HER THE BIG YANKERS, DID YOU SEE THE BIG YANKERS, MAMA? I kept replaying the summary of Liberia's founding by freed American slaves. I had no idea. I knew about the seemingly endless civil war there as I've read a lot of accounts of those who have adopted from Liberia, and how heartwrenchingly dreadful the situation has gotten for young people in the country. But I didn't know much about Liberia's black female president, and I still don't, because of course Bourdain had to get back to talking about the food and palm oil and surfing. Who knew there was surfing in Liberia? That wily Bourdain! Part histographer, part surfer dude! Whenever I watch one of these programs, I get the antsypants about going overseas for the long-term. Like, for longer than an Anthony Bourdain program.
The prospect of long-term mission work overseas so so tremendously excites me. Serving the third world, being immersed in another culture, depending on daily providences, and possibly getting the chance to live a life that is not hooked up to a computer like it is an intravenous feed?
Do you think long-term mission work excites me because:
a.) I have never done it, ergo, I am just naive about what it entails ~ OR ~ b.) I have never done it, ergo, I have no idea that my life has not yet really begun
Perhaps the answer is a little bit of both. Either way, I'm a huge weenie about bugs and rodents and I hear they have a few of them in the third world, so...yeah.
Anthony Bourdain, if you are reading this, I am an aspiring missionary to the third world with remedial Spanish skills, a fear of creepy crawlers, and a cute little family. Do you think there is a place for me somewhere you have traveled? If so, please write me back and please know that I think you have great hair. Yours, Kendra