/My name is Kendra. I am hooked on water aerobics; I wear a skirted suit.
I like Earl Gray Tea.
I have a weekend mug. You can guess when I use it.
I have gray hair. We are not just talking a few strands.
I drive a station wagon.
I have a card drawer. I forget where the card drawer is.
I read nutrition labels and all the ingredients.
I prefer to eat dinner at 5 p.m.
I have not read any games that hunger nor have I watched the program about the urban abbey. If and when I do, it will likely not be on a tablet device.
A treat for me is spending $5 on the kale and carrot juice at Whole Paycheck.
Sometimes I am grumpy about it but I always go to church.
Most of my shoes are what you would call sensible.
My neck is frequently bedecked with a scarf.
My name is Kendra. I am 31 years-old, going on 103.
I am geriastic.
I am okay with this.