Choose Your Own Adventure: Sunday Morning

The Loverpants family wakes at 6:30a.m., fresher than a fistful of daisies. They proceed to don matching outfits with cute fleece running vests (natch!) and they are soon off and running as a tight pack, Papa John pushing Baby Girl in the running stroller with Mama K. just a few comfortable paces behind. The Sunday churchies tip their hats to the Loverpack, promising they'll pray for the tiny family that morning (for sure!). After a few brisk miles, the Loverpack returns home where Mama K. brews a little coffee for Papa J. on his way to work. Baby Girl practices her crawling and soon retires for her morning nap. Mama K. does the same. OR... Baby Girl wakes at 6:30a.m. which was five minutes after Mama K. fed her at 2:55a.m. Papa John brings her into bed where the force of her noogie is so strong, the whole Loverpack is forced out of bed before they have their wits about themselves. Everybody wears yesterday's clothes from the rag bag, including Baby Girl who rocks the windsuit that makes her look like a boy. All head out for a run whereby Papa John hits his stride within minutes and Mama K. is sucking the everliving dust off of his heels. Papa John proceeds to forget to give Mama K. the nod when he crosses the busy intersection, causing Mama K. to lose her family and is left to run on her own with an abiding fear that she will surely be pillaged long before the Sunday churchies are strolling to the morning services. They return home where Mama K. still doesn't know if the coffee pot works and sends Papa John off to work and wrangles Baby Girl into a nap which lasts for twenty. Whole. Minutes.


Our son, daughter, the track star.

go buckeyes