Better, Bubbles
/Things that Baby Girl has improved upon in the past month:
- Taking 2 solid naps - Not immediately gouging out the eyes of other children (at least she waits a couple of minutes) - Eating solids (with pureed veggies surreptitiously sneaked in to pasta sauce) - Waving hello and good-bye on command (and we only had to wip her a few times!)(and...I kid!) - Giving gratuitous sloppy baby kisses - Saying "nana" for banana and "mo" for more (Swear I'm not delusional; she really says this) - Play independently - Flashing that 2-toothed smile that could launch 1,000 ships (or a major brand-name diaper campaign)
*** Below: Pop the bubbles***
[kml_flashembed movie="/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/new bath.swf" height="400" width="400" /]