Be in the Biz
/I am having a wicked blast teaching a class in publication tools and design this semester. There are roughly 283920483 outtakes to the actual business of teaching this class two days a week. For example, a couple of weeks ago, we designed bottle labels for a sparkling juice beverage that we, as professional beverage makers, invented. Doesn't that sound like a blast and a half? Blast! My students produced some amazing work full of color and pizazz. A regular design pizazzerie.
Now one of the students had a creative delay (see also: procrastination station) and he brought me project a few days weeks after, like a streetcorner swigger, he pulled that bottle out of a bag and then...
And then we both laughed.
Because, label design prowess aside, I was feeling very much like my office had turned into a lab for dropping off samples know...a different kind of liquid, n'ah mean?
We're now moving on to our propaganda unit. Soon the students will be Here's the demo poster I've created. I'm so proud that I welcome you to download it as a free printable. Bon apetit!
Download pdf here awesome2
Love from Design HQ, Kendra