
After hyperventilating
at the apocalyptic mess
in girlchild's room, the floor
laden with crafts half-
done and clothes half-
worn we together
resolved on a plan for a tidier space.
Our reconnaissance mission
to a store called Boomerangs
for the elusive desk
with drawers.
We purchased a solid oak
grand dame of drawers,
loaded with the help of brawny workers, so kind.
On our way home, boychild asked
if he could watch YouTubes on
"How to pick a lock," since
he said that might be useful in his future.
Back home
Husband paused, no words
reminded me, third floor 
aloft, winding narrow stairwells
this monster 
bedroom imposter must be returned.

Boomeranging to Boomerangs I found her majesty had no match, elected instead to accept store credit and a sequined hooded sweatshirt from Justice, the balance of justice here lacking as it will be if boychild ever tries to pick a lock to his sister's room which may well remain apocalyptic until the very end.

In which I talk about the book

I have not talked much about the book, the book that I wrote, that an agent represents, for which a book deal has been drafted but not signed. Nearly a year has passed since I have seen the draft of the book deal. Since that time, I've been waiting to sign something. I'm dying to John Hancock the heck out of a book deal. But after all these months of uncertainty, I don't know if the book will ever be published because I don't know the terms of the negotiations between publisher and agent.  I worked hard for a long time on the book and I hawked it at every conference and waited for a long time for Very Important Publishing People to notice my book sitting alone at the cafeteria and to invite it over to their table.

When I got the book offer, I finally felt like I had found my table in the cafeteria and that there would be outstanding conversations and mediocre Jell-o on trays for all times.

Then, the VIPPs at my table went over to other tables to have other conversations about the book. I wasn't involved in those conversations which seemed to volley back and forth over weeks that turned into months.

I surrendered my expectations and there was freedom in that.

But then I sort of stopped caring about the book deal and the Jell-o. People stopped dropping by my table in the proverbial cafeteria to ask about the book. I stopped asking about the book. I picked up my backpack and went back to class.

In recent days, I started to feel very convicted about my surrender which had turned into apathy. Langston Hughes was all up in my head with notions of a dream deferred. Would my plump li'l grape of a manuscript start drying out like a raisin in the sun? Why read all this Brene Brown if I'm not going to Dare Greatly or Rise Strong but instead reject vulnerability in favor of taking a nap on this book project, indefinitely.

So much of the joy in writing had been processing of my experiences in marrying cross-culturally. I was filled with hope that the accounts would somehow help other couples walking a similar path. I fought for my marriage and I am still fighting the temptation that is ever-present in marriage to kick back into cruise control. Why was I not fighting for this book?

While writing this post, my agent e-mailed me to let me know that the publisher will be going over the legal beagle notes and other things about which I have no authority or expertise. I shall be too busy slurping Jell-O and dreaming of one day signing a book deal, like for reals, y'all.


A little talisman from one of my favorite authors Amber C. Haines whose inscription on her book Wild in the Hollow is much cherished and encourages my heart whenever I happen upon it.

Amber HainesAmber Haines

Keeping secrets

I figure now, in the season where we are reminded how the desire of ages was fulfilled in a cold barn long ago, that I can tell y'all about a little desire of my own that has been fulfilled. After a long road of trying to find a home for my memoir on our intercultural family, I'm thrilled to pieces that one Kalos Press has made an offer on my book and is eager to welcome "Mixed: Combining cultures, families, faith and awkward laughter" into its fold. I can't wait to tell you more about it.

Basically my feelings: A noontime rest for a full-fledged assembly worker at the Long Beach, Calif., plant of Douglas Aircraft Company. Nacelle parts for a heavy bomber form the background  (LOC)

The title may shift but I am committed to this small press that has shown a strong dedication to new voices of faith --an attribute I was hoping for all along in a publisher. I'll look forward to sharing with you how this offer came to fruition and I'll be honored to share more about the prospective release of the book.

Unge mennesker på stranden

If you want to join in the ring-around-the-rosie: Be sure to keep up with me by Twitter @Kendraspondence or subscribe to our mailing list (on the right panel where it says "Be Cool, Subscribe") if you give two toots about the book ;) Even if you don't, I appreciate your readership here and your friendship on and off this matrix which privileges me to write out some of the crazy rattling around in the ol' head.

Captain Joseph H. Freedman Hq, USAFIME, is shown blowing the Shofar