Hope there's good climbing in...

Chattanooga, TN. Since that will be our home at this time next year.

I didn't get to witness firsthand the maiden voyage of Baby Girl on the rock wall. Little Man had four shots the day before Thanksgiving and subsequently woke up with a fevahhh of 102, bless his little bruised legs and feverish noggin. So I was hangin' with my febral little butterball while Loverpants and Baby Girl clipped in and rigged up and belayed on the wall. Fortunately Auntie Eunis took these pictures. When I saw these pics, my heart inflated and took flight like a hot air balloon, soaring over craggy rock walls. I know they say you cannot be in two places at once, but in that moment I saw our future and I saw our past. I saw distant tomorrows as a family of climbers, something I've always wanted, since growing up my family didn't really have a shared activity, unless you count eating together a gluttonous amount of ice cream. I also rewound the memory tape, back to Loverpants' and my first year of marriage and how we made weekly dates with Auntie Eunis to climb. I learned so much about our marriage from those climbs, about being a reliable anchor and a communicative climber and a good cheerleader. I haven't been on a wall since before I got pregnant with Little Man and I miss it so much, but these pictures raise my hopes that a return to the top of the mock mountain is in the cards very soon.




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July 9

Arrival 8 years ago


suitcase full of suits

taxi ride along Storrow Drive to apartment of summer

sunny day, auspicious. Tax Status:  Single Many, many McJobs

dinners of black beans and salsa

wine stains on the rug

roommates and dance parties

riding the Fung Wah to NYC

debt and depression

but always, church

baptized, engaged

Tax Status:  Married

honeymoon, swoon

lovenest brought to you by IKEA

unemployment, creativity

grad school, confidence

corporate jobbing

scoping real estate

sign on the line

plus sign on a stick

gestate, wait

Tax Status:  Married with Dependents

add: cherub

glory, coming into own

joyous exhaustion

socking away old hurts

mama friends

making stroller tracks

requisite iced coffee

peddling lip gloss

capstone complete

secure sheepskin

travel solo

adjunct lecture

add: cherub two

consider days here, numbered.....