The last meal of my twenties
We flew into Charlotte, NC because, ahem, JETBLUE!!! Yeah, I know, I'm about eleven years late to the JETBLUE!!! party (and did you hear about this great show "Gilmore Girls"? Because it's really fabulous). That JETBLUE!!! really is something, though. They seem to abide by the philosophy that if you just keep the passengers snacking and headphoned with full cable access, the flight should go smoothly. My lands, those JETBLUE!!! peeps be smart. Ultimately, though, we were headed to Asheville, NC where we spent the last four days, and more specifically where I spent four days asking Lovey Loverpants if we could spend another four days in Asheville, NC. Asheville, you ravished me so!!
But anyway, on the way from Charlotte to Asheville, we stopped at Nowhere In Particular Exit Off North Carolina Interstate and Loverpants said, "Where do we want to eat?" to which I said, "The least shady place." We passed menfolk trying to pass as long-haired boys hanging out at the gas n' sip with their banana yellow muscle cars (there were multiple!) and pulled in to the WAFFLE HOUSE. I was a tinge nervous that I had hyped up WAFFLE HOUSE in my head based on the vestigial sense memory I have of going there in 1990 with my parents en route to Dallas, TX (from Cleveland, OH, in a light blue minivan, uggggo!) but let me tell you, the waffle I ate on Thursday night --the last meal of my twentysomethings -- did not disappoint.
Loverpants took a bite. Oh the buttery mouth-melting fluffiness of it.
Loverpants said to the waitress who was hovering in a friendly yet slightly disconcerting way that he had never been to a WAFFLE HOUSE before. "That waffle is so good!" he said.
"That's what we're famous for," said the waitress, with pride and authority... which point I nearly fell out of my chair from the shock.
You kid.
Are you certain it's not Long John Silver's? I mean. You're sure?