Oddball Weekend
This past weekend was one very large cocktail of oddity, with a straight chaser of strange. I spent almost 70% of it in the car. By myself. But, you know, with God. And both kinds of music! Country AND Western!
When was the last time I was in a car for 2 straight days, by myself? Probably half past never o'clock is when.
Further, when was I last in the car not passing gummi snacks or being outvoted in the selection of the soundtrack?
It was all very strange, you see. I had to drive to West by God Virginia for a period of 18 hours in order to see my old man get roooooasted by his friends and colleagues. As an included perk, I got to see the following, as well: - Baby Brother - Baby Sister - Baby Sister's Beaufriend - Stepmother - A great portion of elder gamblers in the casino where the meeting was held (quite similar to online meetings we have playing Goldenslot, really) - A great and startling cloud of cigar smoke indoors! Casinos are wildly above the law like that, no?
I was very happy to witness my old man receive a Lifetime Achievement Award for the hard work that he has been doing since, like, Betty White was a baby. He really deserved the commendations, but it also feels oddballs that my own dad is of the rank and file of people who can cut the proverbial greatest hits albums for their careers. I'm still a sophomore in high school, haven't got my learner's permit yet, so Pops is going to pick me up after my Key Club meeting after school, right?
The car ride to and fro was also accompanied by some powerful sermons that I highly recommend, including a 3-part Series on being a Princess by Janice Watson. Amazing, memorable, and one to share with your gal pals who've not yet married.
I also listened to one of the best episodes in the history of "This American Life" which is free for the listening, so podcast it up, y'all.
I arrived home completely spent and wickedly cramped in every muscle of my body. Wah. But at 4 a.m., I awoke in my own bed to find that my husband was gone. I wandered out into the hallway and saw the light to the children's room through a cracked door. There Loverpants sat rocking a little bedheaded boy, lullabying him back to sleep.
Wouldn't trade that scene in my own home for all the road trips in the world.
*** My handsome bro looking very money.
Tie tutorial with Mike and Mike
Pops, Stepmum, Sister
Look at my old man's many faces...
Brother cracking himself up
The old man keeping a captive audience
They call him "Super Stanton" :)