Kendra Stanton Lee

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I Always Cry...

I'm always interested to know the tear triggers for others. Here is a (very!) abbreviated list of mine:

- The entirety of "One Little Star" from "Follow That Bird." Oh yes, the Sesame Street movie makes me bawl.

- The part in "Beautiful" where Bethany Dillon sings "What I am is/quite enough..."

- The ending of Prep, I cry from the confrontation on the basketball court to the end.

- Particular parts of Believing It All by Marc Parent. Two hanky read.

- "Forrest Gump" - I look like I entered a wet T-shirt contest.

- When Juno has the baby. Basketcase.

- Adult baptisms (the way my church does them makes me cry every. single. time.) I cried at my own! I hope I get to cry one day if Baby Girl chooses to be baptized in our church. In fact, the *thought* of that is making me cry right now!

Okay, your turn!