There are 23920852 things I should be doing right now, but these pictures from our trip to Asheville, NC bring me so much unbridled joy that I have to upload them so that I may look at them 23920852 times in the next week... Putting on my makeup at airport foodcourt tables. That's how I do.
In the parking lot of the Waffle House. If she were president, she'd be Baberham Lincoln.
Biltmore Village.
(Amphibious) prince among men.
If you didn't ride a wild hog, are you really sure you went on vacation?
She was selling root beer, obviously.
Asheville is all about the art deco. I only have a small sense of what that means. I majored in Journalism and Medieval Renaissance Studies. I am very useful and highly marketable.
This was the most adorable sabbath school I've ever attended. The teacher was an absolute muffin.
Just look at that piece of fine creation. Of course I am referring to the Blue Ridge Mountains.
There was a lot on her mind that morning. I think she thought she was the one getting married.
Here we are at Ellie's wedding; I am checking Little Man's pulse; he is about to throw a sucker punch my way.
Baby Girl lines up her groomsmen.
Ellie! Oh my lands was she an adorable bride.
I love Baby Girl loving the troubadour loving his guitar....